At Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, we provide an environment which gives positive messages about our expectations and values in order to establish and maintain high standards of behaviour. As a result we expect our pupils to behave well in school and do as they are asked.

Our aim is to create a happy, working environment, based on Christian values, where pupils feel safe to succeed in their learning and enjoy their play. We strive to educate our pupils to become caring, honest, responsible and tolerant citizens of the future. We expect parents to work in partnership with school, giving the same shared messages about the importance of respect for oneself and others. The school’s Behaviour Policy sets out our systems and rewards to promote and support positive behaviour, including what we will do and the sanctions we will use if a child is finding it difficult to behave appropriately. If a child breaks a rule, we will always try to ensure that they understand what they have done wrong.

We rely on  the Corpus Code of Conduct consisting of six simple rules, developed with the pupils and School Council, which all pupils are expected to follow:

  1. Tell an adult.
  2. Respect all  adults.
  3. Always work hard.
  4. Be gentle and kind.
  5. Look after property.
  6. Be a good ambassador.

The children are rewarded for good behaviour and  respond well to praise. Numerous comments have been made about the behaviour and politeness of our children, both within and outside of school. They have pride in themselves and of course we, as their teachers, are extremely proud of them too.


We are also very proud that 'Behaviour and attitudes' were judged outstanding in our Ofsted report June 2022.

Ofsted September 2018 commented...

The school’s Behaviour Policy is followed consistently by all staff and can be viewed below.


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